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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 41/SC 1 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Belt drives — Flat transmission belts and corresponding pulleys — Dimensions and tolerances
90.93 | |
Pulleys for flat transmission belts — Crowns
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Limiting values for adjustment of centres
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Limiting values for adjustment of centres
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Limiting values for adjustment of centres
90.93 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Quality, finish and balance
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Quality, finish and balance
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys — Quality, finish and balance
90.60 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys for V-belts (system based on datum width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys for V-belts (system based on datum width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves
60.60 | |
Belt drives — V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and corresponding grooved pulleys — Vocabulary
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and corresponding grooved pulleys — Vocabulary
90.92 | |
Belt drives — V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and corresponding grooved pulleys — Vocabulary
30.00 |
Belt drives — Endless wide V-belts for industrial speed-changers and groove profiles for corresponding pulleys
90.93 | |
Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test
90.92 | |
Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test
40.60 | |
Narrow V-belt drives for the automotive industry — Dimensions
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Narrow V-belts for the automotive industry and corresponding pulleys — Dimensions
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-belts for the automotive industry and corresponding pulleys — Dimensions
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-belts for the automotive industry and corresponding pulleys — Dimensions
60.60 | |
Agricultural machinery — Endless variable-speed V-belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys
90.92 | |
Agricultural machinery — Endless variable-speed V-belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys (system based on datum width)
30.99 |
Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)
90.92 | |
Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Grooved pulleys (system based on datum width)
40.20 | |
Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Lengths in datum system
90.92 | |
Belt drives — Classical and narrow V-belts — Lengths in datum system
40.60 | |
Narrow V-belt drives for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Narrow V-belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
60.60 | |
Agricultural machinery — Endless hexagonal belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys
95.99 | |
Agricultural machinery — Endless hexagonal belts and groove sections of corresponding pulleys
95.99 | |
Grooved pulleys for joined narrow V-belts — Groove sections 9J, 15J, 20J and 25J
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined narrow V-belts — Groove sections 9J, 15J, 20J, and 25J (effective system)
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined narrow V-belts — Groove sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (effective system)
90.93 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-belts — Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective system)
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-belts — Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective system)
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-belts — Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective system)
90.93 | |
Belt drives — V-belts and V-ribbed belts — Calculation of power ratings
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location — Part 1: V-belts
90.93 | |
Belt drives — Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location — Part 2: V-ribbed belts
90.93 | |
V- and ribbed V-belts — Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location
95.99 | |
Narrow joined V-belts — Lengths in effective system
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Narrow joined V-belts — Lengths in effective system
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Narrow V-belts — Sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (lengths in the effective system)
90.93 | |
V-belts — Uniformity of belts — Centre distance variation — Specifications and test method
95.99 | |
V-belts — Uniformity of belts — Test method for determination of centre distance variation
95.99 | |
V-belts and V-ribbed belts — Uniformity of belts — Test method for determination of centre distance variation
60.60 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for V-belts (system based on effective width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Grooved pulleys for V-belts (system based on effective width) — Geometrical inspection of grooves
90.93 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Dimensions — PK profile
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — PK profile: Dimensions
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — PK profile: Dimensions
60.60 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications — Dimensions — PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications — PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles: dimensions
95.99 | |
Belt drives — Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications — PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles: dimensions
60.60 | |
Belt drive — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
95.99 | |
Belt drive — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Belt drive — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
95.99 | |
Belt drives — V-ribbed belts for the automotive industry — Fatigue test
60.60 | |
Belt drives — V-belts and the corresponding pulleys for agricultural machineries — Dimensions
90.60 |
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