Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro

The Institute for Standardization of Montenegro (ISME) was established as a National Standardization Body in April 2007 according to the Decree passed by the Government of Montenegro. The Law on Standardization was adopted in February 2008 being in line with the WTO/TBT Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.

The Institute represents the interests of all stakeholders in the field of standardization, establishes, maintains and develops the standardization system in Montenegro, with a view to accomplish the following standardization goals:

  • contribute to the safety and security of citizens;
  • contribute to the quality and competitiveness of Montenegrin economy;
  • facilitate the entry of Montenegrin products in the international market;
  • participate in fulfilling the obligations arising from the requirements of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade of the World Trade Organization (WTO / TBT);
  • participate in fulfilling the obligations arising from the application for membership of Montenegro in the European Union and the obligations that Montenegro will have as a member of the European Union.

ISME has been striving to meet the requirements for full membership in international and European standardization organizations. ISME has been an affiliate member of CEN since 1 July 2008, an affiliate member of CENELEC since 1 July 2008, a correspondent member of ISO since 1 July 2007, an associate member of the IEC since 1 January 2009;

At its 43rd General Assembly session held on 22-24 September 2021, the ISO Council approved the change of the status of the Institute for Standardization of Montenegro from correspondent to full member of ISO by adoption of the Resolution 36/2021. The application to join the CEN and CENELEC full members’ family is currently under development.

As one of the primary goals of ISME is to integrate into international and European flows as quickly and successfully as possible, this step confirms that the system of standardization is a good foundation to define future economic and social flows.

Institute for Standardization of Montenegro

Jovana Tomaševića br. 6
81000 Podgorica

Tel.: +382 20 227 108
Fax: +382 20 227 138
Correo electrónico:

Participación de TC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador

Participación de PDC

Miembro observador