Committee Draft
ISO/CD 21622-1
Irrigation techniques — Remote monitoring and control for irrigation systems — Part 1: General considerations
Reference number
ISO/CD 21622-1
Edition 1
Committee Draft
ISO/CD 21622-1
A draft is being reviewed by the committee.


The scope of this NWIP is to develop standards related to the remote monitoring and control for irrigation systems, using different technologies. This part of the standard is intended to define the general considerations applicable to all kind of RMCS used in irrigation. Additionally, the document includes some specific clauses intended to any RMCS that includes, totally or partially, controllers developed for irrigation. These controllers should be understood as specific hardware developments designed to the particular irrigation monitoring and/or control requirements. It will be clearly identified at the beginning of each clause when it is specific for controllers developed for irrigation

General information

  •  : Under development
    : CD consultation initiated [30.20]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 23/SC 18
  • RSS updates

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