Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 19991
Fusion technology — Experimental magnetic confinement fusion facilities — Supersonic molecular beam injection fueling technique for fusion devices
Reference number
ISO/CD 19991
Edition 1
Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 19991
El comité está revisando un borrador.


This international standard specifies supersonic molecular beam injection fueling technique for nuclear fusion devices, including the components, the general and technical requirements, and inspections. This international standard applies to the supersonic molecular beam injection system in magnetic confined fusion devices. The system can be applied in fusion device as active control tool including the control of the density, control of the edge particles, control of the plasma disruption, control of the transition from low high plasma confinement mode to high plasma confinement mode and so on.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Cierre del periodo de observaciones [30.60]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 85/SC 6
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